Today is the Best Day

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is so great about today?  It’s simple.  Today is the only today you get.  Granted, you’re going to have a tomorrow – probably lots of tomorrows, but this day, this one day is the only one there is.  I know there are times when we seem like we’re totally stuck in a sea of sameness, with every day a carbon copy of the day before.  It seems like it, but that’s not really the case.  Every day is different, and every day is amazing.  Sure there may be days that are less amazing than others, but your job is to find the good, great and amazing things in each and every day and celebrate them.  Make it be the best day ever.  It’s funny, for me, today was one of those less than stellar days, but I am taking the time to find things that make it the best day ever.  I went to the gym, and increased some of the weight I can lift.  I got to spend time with a friend. Something that was missing turned up, and hey, I’m sitting here watching my favorite television program and eating popcorn.  Those things right there make it great, maybe even the best day ever.