Inner Beauty

If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. – Roald Dahl

I remember when I was in high school, how I would get up every morning way earlier than I needed to.  Why would I do such an insane thing?  Why to do my hair and make up of course.  Granted it was the 80’s and a good deal of time and effort was spent on getting the hair to be big, but just as much time was spent putting on make up.  And then in school, dashing into the bathroom between classes to keep the make up fresh.  I didn’t go anywhere, or do anything without make up.  Flash forward a few years, and I’m a freshman in college and trying out for the cheerleading squad.  Why?  I have no clue.  I couldn’t do a split, I couldn’t do a cartwheel, and I wasn’t the best at well, cheering.  But it’s okay, I had my make up, right?  Well after a very long, hot sweaty tryout, one that caused most of my makeup to be sweated off, I was amazed to find out that I actually made the squad.  I was dumbfounded, because I really was pretty bad.  But the captain gave us some of the highs and lows we got from the judges and they had all commented on what a great smile I had.  I didn’t see it, but hey, I was a cheerleader so life was good lol.  Flash forward quite a few more years, and I’m a mom of a very handsome young man, and a very beautiful young lady.  And my daughter is the QUEEN of all things make up.  She puts younger me to shame.  She does a great job with her make up and it always looks super natural, but what’s really amazing is her smile.  Well actually both my kids have great smiles.  Their smiles absolutely light up their faces and radiate light and love all around them.  I didn’t ever understand what those cheerleading judges were talking about until I watched my daughter smile one day when she was without make up.  Her smile, made my beautiful daughter even more beautiful.  When you’re out and about and people watching – come on, you know you people watch.  Take a look, and watch when someone smiles with complete and utter abandon.  Their entire demeanor changes and their inner beauty just shines through.  I won’t go crazy and say ditch the make up because make up can be fun, but remember to smile – let your inner light shine through and light up the world.