Don’t Limit, Unleash

Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; nothing expands possibilities like unleashed imagination. ~William Arthur Ward

Think back to a dream you had.  Maybe you wanted to be an actor, or a scientist, or perhaps an author.  Maybe you wanted to travel around the world, or live on top of a mountain.  It doesn’t matter what, just pick a dream.  I’m dusting off my author dream.  I’ve always wanted to write a book – well many books.  Okay, lets be honest.  I wanted to be a world famous author who created amazing words that readers never wanted to leave.  But I’m not, and do you know why?  I keep limiting myself.  I get stuck on the hows and the whys and the ifs and the buts, and I shut myself down.  Every time I sit down to write, I think about how many words I need to get down on paper, and then how am I going to find representation, and how do I get published.  My internal litany goes on and on.  Instead of just sitting down and writing, I get caught up in the small details.  I’m assuming I’m not the only person who does stuff like that.  I wish it were as simple as saying don’t do that.  If it were, I’d be well on my way 😉  Let go of the small thinking, and open up your mind.  Unleash your imagination.  See the end product in your mind.  For me, it’s a book cover – the rest of the cover may be fuzzy and blurry, but there clear at day at the bottom of the cover is my name!  Of course, I also need to write and write and write, and not get caught up in the details.  If you’ve always wanted to travel around the world, start visiting travel sites.  Map out an itinerary of all the places you want to go.  Do you want to fly, or take a cruise, or maybe take trains whenever possible.  It doesn’t matter, just start planning.  Do you want to visit the traditional tourist destinations, or do you want to get off the beaten path, are you staying in luxurious hotels, or quaint bed and breakfasts?  Figure it out! Don’t get caught up on the how you’re going to pay for it, or getting the time off from work, just start the planning and the visualizing.  Unleash your imagination and just see what wonderful and amazing things you can accomplish.