Do Your Best

I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better. ~ Maya Angelou

Every single time we do something, it’s a learning experience. Every time we fail, we learn, and every time we succeed we learn. It’s what you learn that matters.  If you try something and it doesn’t work, do you try it again the exact same way?  Probably not, but if you did, would you expect a different result?  Again, probably not.  You need to do your best, and your best includes taking what you know, doing it, learning from it and doing better the next time.  Two years ago, our former principal got it in his head to rearrange about 80% of the teachers in the school.  We packed, we changed rooms, and the year went on.  The school year ended, that principal left and we got a new principal.  I asked if I could change rooms again because I really wasn’t happy where I was.  I packed up, the day before school started and moved, and all was well in my world.  Until October when I was told I was moving, the next day to the third floor.  So I packed up again, and I moved.  You’d think I’d be getting good at that whole packing thing, wouldn’t you?  Well at the end of this past year, we found out that we were losing 17 classrooms in our school – it’s a long and stupid story and I won’t bore you with it.  So it’s the start of a new school year, and I’m faced with a mess of stuff.  I don’t know where things are, things don’t fit in my new, much smaller room, and over the summer, some of my stuff got stolen.  I knew better, but I didn’t DO better.  I also learned a lesson.  When I packed up at the end of the school year, I was angry and resentful and didn’t pack well and didn’t plan well, and I payed for it trying to get ready for a new school year.  I knew better, and next time, I will do better.