Celebrate Now, Celebrate Life

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. – Oprah Winfrey

Way back in the day – the day being the 80’s, I was in my school’s chorus and chamber choir, and one day I shared a song with our director that I absolutely loved.  It had been featured on the television adaptation of Fame, and it was called Life is a Celebration.  Yes, I was a geeky fangirl even then.  Anyhow, the wonder teacher that she was found a choral arrangement for it.  At the time, I just knew I liked it, and it had a nice uptempo beat.  It talked about life being a celebration and to celebrate life.  Little did teenaged me know just how important those lyrics really were.  Ms. Winfrey has it right, the more joy you find in your life, and the more you celebrate, the more there is to celebrate.  You’ve heard the expression vicious circle?  Well this is the exact opposite….it’s a joyous circle! The more you celebrate the great things in your life, the more great things you have in your life. Why not try it and see what happens? What do you have to lose?