It’s an Adventure

One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure. – William Feather

My students are SOOOO literal – when they read this quote today they focused on the word adventure and were quick to point out there weren’t any adventures in their lives. I was equally as quick to point out that an adventure doesn’t have to be a grand expedition,  or a quest to climb a mountain.  An adventure can be the decision to do something different.  To make a choice to turn your life around, or to make a difference in the life of somebody else.  It’s a matter of perspective, and maybe you need to change yours.  Today, due to circumstances beyond my control, I was stuck behind a slow moving bus on my way in to school.  I fussed, I fumed, but you know what?  It didn’t make the bus drive any faster, lol.  Anyhow, because I was going so slow, I had an opportunity to observe the scenery on a road I’d driven over hundreds of times before.   Today I saw something I’d never seen before.  I saw a beautiful misty covered field where the sun was just breaking through the mist.  It was beautiful.  It became my adventure for the day.  It wasn’t something grand, and it sure wasn’t climbing a mountain, but it was so beautiful, it took my breath away.  It truly touched my heart and made today simply amazing.  I got the most out of today because of my little adventure.  What are you going to get out of your life?