It’s Up to You

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. – Buddha

Last week, I was having a kind of feel sorry for myself week.  To be completely honest, it’s carried over into this week, but that’s another story.  But at one point, I was feeling completely and totally overwhelmed with all my responsibilities, and a to do list that is probably longer than the bible at this point.  I was sitting there thinking that it would be so nice to have somebody to share the load with, and wouldn’t it be nice if my knight in shining armor rode up and rescued me from the drudgery that was my life.  But guess what, not only is it not up to said knight, I don’t need said knight.  I am a big girl, and I can take care of me.  That doesn’t mean I can’t ask for help, smart people do that.  They don’t try and do it all on their own.  But it does mean that my life is my responsibility.  This is my journey, and I need to take it.  Nobody can take it for me; they have their own journey to take.  So don’t be afraid to ask for help, but don’t expect anyone to dive in and shoulder your burdens.  They’re yours, but imagine the huge feeling of satisfaction you’ll get when you work through them all!