30 Day Positive Thought Challenge

Good morning everyone .  As the end of the year draws near, I would like to propose a group challenge.  I really started working on changing my mindset back in 2008.  Back then, my friends and I were all on livejournal and one particular friend and I were always bitching about how much life sucked.  Well she decided she was going to post one positive thought a day in her LJ and I decided to join her.  I even went so far as to create a livejournal community for us to share our positive thoughts. You can find it here if you are interested.  From there, I started the website, and the mailing list.  Sharing positive thoughts has become my mission.  Sadly I had to cut back on the mailing list because those things cost money, so instead of sending out a positive thought every day, I send them out a week at a time.

Like I said, sharing positive thoughts and encouraging others to think positively has become a passion for me. I want to encourage as many people to think in a positive manner.  I think that it makes your life better in general.  I’m also a realist, and I know that things don’t go great 100% of the time, but if you develop a positive mindset, it helps you deal better when things aren’t going your way.  So now I’ll stop rambling and get to the challenge at hand.

Starting January 1, 2018, I challenge you to share a positive thought, or reflect on the positive thought I share for the day.  You can comment under the post each day, or on the livejournal community It’s free to join the lj community, and it’s free to comment here. If facebook is your thing, we also have a facebook page here and you can share your positive thoughts either in your own post, or in the comment section of each days post. I will tag each post as day 1, day 2 etc.  And don’t worry, you won’t be added to the email list, and I don’t share email addresses. That’s just rude 🙂  I hope you’ll join me on this 30 day adventure that will help you create a more positive outlook.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Julie Ficarra

    What an awesome way to begin 2018 off right

  2. admin

    Thanks Julie, I think so too! I can’t wait to get started.

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