Learn, Prepare, Live – Challenge Day 9

Learn, Prepare, Live

by Tracie

The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it. – Thomas S. Monson

Yesterday was a very rough day. It was the first day back to school after my classroom, and the ones below me were flooded by a broken pipe.  I spent a lot of time this weekend, and yesterday beating myself up over what happened, and what I could have done to prevent it. Logically I know there isn’t learn, prepare, liveanything I could do to prevent what happened, I can only do two things.  I can live with the difficult situation that is school right now, and I can do what I can to make sure it happens again.  For me in that situation it means speaking up louder when I see something that could be a bad situation.

The past is over, the only think you can do is learn from it. Look at what happened, figure out how and why, let it go and then move on.  The present is here, right now, and it’s our duty to live in it as fully and completely as possible.  In fact, we should celebrate it.  But while you’re celebrating, don’t forget the future is still coming, and while you shouldn’t obsess over it any more than you should your past, you should still prepare for it.  Have a dream, a plan and a goal, and use the present to help you achieve it.

Today is day 9 of the positivity challenge.  I hope you’re enjoying it.  Share your positive thoughts in the comments, or on facebook or live journal.