When You Least Expect It – Expect It

Sometimes what you’re looking for arrives when you least expect it, in a place or in a way or from a person that you least expect it from. – Karen Salmansohn

When you least expect it, expect it. So once upon a time, there was a Brady Bunch episode that used this line.  I don’t remember the episode, except there was revenge involved, but the line always stuck in my mind.  And this quote from Karen Salmansohn makes me think of it. Not in a revenge way, but in a super positive way.  Lots of times, when you’re when you least expect it expect itjust cruising through life, doing your own thing is when the best things in life happen to you.

I’m going to go with another relationship analogy, so just hang tight and go with it.  Has there ever been a time when you haven’t been in a relationship, but wanted to be in one, desperately?  What happened?  Did your soulmate come waltzing in.  Probably not.  An d if by chance you did wind up in a relationship, I’m betting it ended pretty badly.  Now think about the times when you’re all happy with your life and just sailing along enjoying your singleness.  Bam! In walks the man/woman of your dreams!

Don’t narrow your vision so much that you can’t see that forest through the proverbial trees.  Keep your eyes open, and more important, keep your mind open.  You never know what’s going to come your way.  Remember, when you least expect it, expect it.