It’s What You Decide

Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live. ~ Anne Sweeney

Before I begin, I want to apologize for the lateness of today’s post.  It was SAT day at all the high schools in my state, maybe in the US in general, and I got to proctor a room with accommodations.  Translation, the student got 50% more time on the test, so I was out of my room all day.  When I finally it's what you decidemade it back there, it was time to put out fires, gobble down my lunch and go to a faculty meeting.  No time for writing….anyhow, on to the post.

What does success look like?  Honestly, it’s different for everybody.  It’s what you decide it is.  Success for one person may be amassing a fortune, for another it may be achieving success at work, and for someone else it could be raising happy healthy children.  There isn’t any one measure of success.  It’s completely and totally individual.  It’s what you want it to be, and the way you achieve your success is also up to you.  There isn’t any one way to be successful.  You need to forge your own path.  When you try and fit your dreams, and your life the rules somebody else has set up, it usually doesn’t work out as well as it possibly could.

Live a life you are proud to call your own.  Live it on your terms, and aim for your goals.  It’s what you decide, and not anybody else. Remember, it’s up to you, it’s what you decide.  Don’t try to live anybody else’s life, or a life that somebody else has planned for you.  Decide what success looks like, figure out how you’re going to get there and love the live you’ve created.