Make a Change!

If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree. – Jim Rohn

Take a look around you.  Seriously, take a good look at your life.  How are you feeling about it?  Are you happy?  If you are, that is fantastic and amazing.  If you’re not, then make a change.  It’s not rocket science.  If you don’t like something then you change it.

I can’t make a change, it’s too hard!

I actually had someone say that to me not too long ago.  I vacillated between sympathy and wanting to Gibbs slap them on the back of the head.  make a changeChange can be hard, and it can be scary, but it’s also necessary.  Imagine our world if everything stayed the same and nobody ever made any changes or took any chances.  I’d be chiseling this blog on a cave wall or a stone tablet.  We can’t stay stagnant in our lives, especially if we’re unhappy.  If you want things to be different, you have to make a change.

I’m stuck where I am, I can’t make a change.

Bull, it’s like the quote says.  You’re not a tree.  You are not permanently affixed to your situation.  You can change.  You may not be able to change everything and probably not all at once, but you can make a change.  You can do things differently.  Even a little change can make a difference, but you have to make it.  You can’t sit there waiting for the world to make a change for you. It’s up to you. In fact, your changes begin and end with you and you only.

I can’t change because of so-and-so.

Again, I cry bull.  Are you a prisoner?  No, then you can make changes.  If you have someone in your life that doesn’t support you making a change to your life, then chances are that’s the first change you need to make.  You don’t want people in your life who aren’t going to support you changing your life for the better.  I know there are some situations that make some changes really difficult.  You may not be able to pack up and move across the country if you’re caring for an elderly parent, or have children. But you can make some other changes.  Little changes count too.  Don’t limit yourself, and don’t limit your thinking.

You can make a change.  It doesn’t have to be a big one.  What’s holding you back? Is it fear?  That’s okay, it’s a valid emotion.  Acknowledge your fear and then move on from it.  Make one small change.  Just one.  Make that change a habit.  Then make another small one.  Think about a snowball.  They can start out small, but the more you roll it in the snow, the bigger it gets.  Changes can be the same way.  Start small and keep at it and soon you’ll be making the big ones.  But start, and start now.  Make a change!