Forgiveness, It starts with you.

If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive. ~ Mother Theresa

I spent a lot of time this past weekend thinking about forgiveness, letting go and moving on.  See you can’t really love, or be loved if you’re holding all forgiveness, it starts with youthese grudges.  Forgiveness really is the key.  And that forgiveness, it starts with you.  Yes, that’s right, you.  You need to forgive yourself and learn to love yourself.

I know it sounds rather strange, to think about forgiving yourself, but just work with me here a second. I’ve talked about this before here.  We treat ourselves so poorly.  We say things to ourselves that we wouldn’t say to our worst enemy.  I’m pretty positive most of you have even said that you hate yourself at one time or another.  I certainly have.

Well the first thing you need to do is forgive yourself.  You’re not perfect, you’re going to make mistakes and that’s okay.  It’s all part and parcel of the whole being a human being thing. You need to forgive yourself for mistakes that you’ve made. Forgiveness, it starts with you. From there you need to start appreciating the wonderful person that you are.

Once you’re good with you, then it’s time to move on to others and forgive them, but truly, focus on yourself first.  Learn to forgive yourself and learn to love yourself.  Then and only then will you be able to truly love others and accept love from others into your life.