Discover Your Worth

You alone are the judge of your worth and your goal is to discover infinite worth in yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks. ~ Deepak Chopra

Ok, first off, I promise I didn’t pic today’s quote because of yesterday’s quote.  It was just a fluke.  But I find that when things like that happen, there is discover your worthusually a reason for it, so I need to just roll with it. I want you to discover your worth and I want me to discover mine.  I think we’re all pretty valuable and important to this world, and it’s time we realized it.

I think a lot of us put way too much importance upon what other people think of us.  When we’re growing up, we want to be popular and fit in.  And as adults, we tend to try not to make waves, and go along to get along.  It’s a really amazing day when you can say “I don’t care what anybody else thinks.”  I’m not there yet.  I’ve been there a couple of times.  I’ve stood up for what I believed in, and I’ve spoken my mind, but it’s not something I do on a regular basis.  But when I do that, when I go along to get along, I end up hating myself.  I’m full of recriminations and honestly some serious self-loathing.  I need to treat myself better, and so do you.  What you think and what you feel matters, and it matters far more than what anybody else thinks about you.

Don’t let others judge you.  Well, let me change that.  Other people are always going to judge you.  It’s kind of what we do.  Instead, don’t let others judging you matter.  The only think that matters is what you think of you.  You are amazing, and what you think, feel and want in this life matters.  Don’t let other’s judge you and tell you your worth.  Be true to who you are and discover your worth.