What’s Really Important

Love and Compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive. ~ Dalai Lama

Let’s talk about what’s really important.  These quotes, this blog, sharing my messages, that’s important to me.  But this afternoon, after work, my son needed me to do something with him, delaying my posting.  Then, I had a friend call me who was really suffering and needed to talk.  That’s when it hit me.  Love and compassion – they’re what’s really important.  Being there for other people, helping other people.  That’s what matters in this world.

what's really importantIt’s so easy to get caught up in ourselves, and sometimes yes, we need to put ourselves first.  But what’s really important, what really matters is our kindness to others and to ourselves.  I put ourselves in here because sometimes we’re our own worst enemy.  We need to practice love and compassion.  They’re what’s really important.  In fact, they’re a necessity.

How can love and compassion be a necessity?  Food, shelter, and things like that are necessities, right?  Yes they are, but they pale in to comparison to loving and caring for ourselves and others.  If we don’t do that, all the money in the world will be virtually useless.  Think of Scrooge in a Christmas Carol….he cared about money and money only.  That didn’t do anything for him except for make him lonely, greedy and miserable.  But when he let others into his heart and showed others how much he cared, then he was truly happy.  He figured out what really matters, and we all need to remember it too.  What really matters is how we treat ourselves and others – with love and compassion.