Something Great is Coming

An arrow can only be shot by pulling backwards. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, just imagine it’s going to launch you into something great. – Anonymous

I am so hoping that this quote is true and that something great is coming.  I have been dealt a pretty crappy hand for the last 13 months.  Don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t been all bad. In fact, there have been some pretty great things that have happened.  Unfortunately, those great things have been something great is comingsandwiched in between a boatload of challenges and difficulties.

I’m not going to get into the challenges and difficulties because dwelling on them doesn’t make it better, and in fact, can bring more challenges and difficulties your way.  I love the metaphor of the struggles being an arrow ready to launch you toward something great.  Not only is it a super positive way to think, but it creates an image in your mind.  It lets you visualize on something, and you all know how I feel about visualization.  When you visualize something in your mind, you know that something great is coming!

So for me, what I see in my mind is my struggles and issues turning into a bow, and I am the arrow, and that bow shoots me over other struggles and challenges and I sail through the air heading for the bullseye on my target.  It’s a super powerful image, and it makes me feel good.  And when you feel good, those struggles, challenges and difficulties seem smaller than ever.   So when life is getting you down, and your facing challenges, know that something great is coming, you just have to take your shot.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Cheryl Kasper

    I love the metaphore. Jesus is the energy released when life pulls back on that bow

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