One Thing at a Time

So, what if, instead of thinking about solving your whole life, you just think about adding additional good things. One at a time. Just let your pile of good things grow.
– Rainbow Rowell

one thing at a timeWhen you’re faced with a task, do you try and do it all at once, or do you do it one thing at a time?  Generally, you do things one at a time.  You make a plan and you do one thing, and then another and then another until your task is complete.  So when it comes to changing your outlook, why not employ the same strategy?

You can’t just one day say, “That’s it, I’m going to be positive, all the time.”  It just doesn’t work that way.  I wish it did, but it didn’t.  But if you’ve been stuck in a downward emotional slump, and you want to get out.  Do it one positive thought at a time.  Find one good thing in your day.  Just one, and focus on it.  Then look for another one, and another one.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, right?  And you can’t solve the worlds problems (or your own) in one sitting.  Just take it one thing at a time.  One problem solution at a time, on happy, positive thought at a time.  It’s a process, and it starts with one thing at a time.

I’ve shared before that I struggle with my weight, but the thing is, I didn’t gain the weight in one day.  It was a process.  It happened over time.  Unfortunately, when I go to the gym, or start eating healthy, I get disappointed really quickly because I want all the weight to come off all at once, right away.  Again, it doesn’t happen that way.  It’s going to come off the way it went on.  One pound at  a time.  Just like my problems will be solved one at a time, and my happiness will grow. One thing at a time.