Live Your Dreams

Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving toward your goals. – LL Cool J

live your dreamsThere is a theme to this week’s positive thoughts, and it’s all about dreams.  I’m sure you all can guess why I’m all about the live your dreams this week. It’s because I did, and you can too.

I’ve made no secret at all about my desire to be a published writer – it’s something that had been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. And now, I am a published writer. I know there are plenty of people who will say that self-publishing on Amazon isn’t really getting a book published.  I don’t care!!!! To me it is, and tha’s what matters.  I have a book available on Amazon and people can buy it.  I have met a goal and I have fulfilled a dream.

It just goes o prove that you can live your dreams.  And for the naysayers who say you can’t do it, or you shouldn’t do it, or publishing on Amazon doesn’t count, well their opinions shouldn’t matter to you, or to me.  Your dreams are your dreams.  You set the goal, you made the plan and you get to live your dreams.  Don’t let let other people shoot down those dreams.  I did it and you can to.