They’re Called Mistakes for a Reason

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. – Elbert Hubbard

People get way too stressed about not being perfect and not doing everything right.  They’re called mistakes for a reason!  They are mistakes, they are not on purposes! Stop worrying about always getting it right and never make a mistake and just try.  Do your best.  Explore, try new things and have they're called mistakes for a reasonfun doing it.

As I’m sitting here, reading this quote, I’m positive that I’ve used it before.  Oops, I made a mistake.  And do you know what I have to say about that?  “Oh well.”  I’ve been sending out positive quotes since 2009.  Chances are, I’m going to duplicate a quote.  Is the world going to end because I screwed up?  I don’t think so.  In fact, I’m pretty positive that if I didn’t mention it, nobody would have noticed.

I’ve got a news flash for you.  I am not a perfect person.  I have another news flash for you. Neither are you. We’re not supposed to be.  We’re humans, not gods. In fact, while Mary Poppins may have been practically perfect in every way, we are perfectly imperfect and I think that’s great.  Seriously, the list of things that were invented because somebody made a mistake is endless.  Chocolate chip cookies, post-it notes and microwave ovens are just a few.  Go ahead, google it, you know you want to! So go for it, try new things, and take a chance, and if you mess up, no biggie.  They’re called mistakes for a reason!