Sometimes You Just Need to Unplug

The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves. – Bob Proctor

I bet you’re wondering what this quote has to do with unplugging – well hang in there and maybe it’ll all make sense.  Today, my adult kids and I threw some sandwiches together, jumped in the car and drove up to the White Mountains.  We found a swimming hole I had heard about that was under a covered bridge, and we spent our day hanging out and playing in the water.

unplugNow I am a kind of shy person.  Read that as I don’t talk to people I don’t know ever.  Well first thing this morning a man offered to take a picture of my and the kids which was awesome because there are very few pictures of us together.  Then after swimming for a bit, I got out and started chatting with a very nice lady from Connecticut about this that and the other.  Later, some people came down to the river and began dredging for gold – I kid you not – they were looking for gold which was pretty cool.  But I had no clue what was going on, until a very nice man who was sitting not to far from me explained the whole process.  You know why this happened?  We had NO cell service at all. It was awesome.  Sometimes you just need to unplug from everything.  When you do, it gives you a chance to blow past the limits you may have put on yourself.  Mine is talking to people.  But today, I did, but if my phone was working, I probably would have been staring at it while I was drying off.  Yes I used to take some pictures, but that was about it.

I’d like to say that you shouldn’t put limits on yourself.  Of course you shouldn’t, but we all do.  But give yourself a chance.  Today was about me unplugging literally from my phone to unplug figuratively from a limit I imposed on myself.  Try it, and see how it goes, because sometimes you just need to unplug


Stillwater River Bridge – Bath NH