Be True to You

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
~ Dr. Seuss

Well, I love Dr. Seuss, and this quote rocks, and the good Doctor isn’t wrong.  First and foremost, you have to be true to you.  In this life, you are going be true to youto run into people who are completely and totally on your team.  You are also going to run into people who are actively working against you, and those who are ambivalent. You’re smart, you’ll be able to see the difference.  The people who are on your team – well they’re going to support you, and that’s great.  But people are funny.  We tend to do back flips and cartwheels to get the people that aren’t on our team, on our side.  Well guess what, they don’t matter.  Be true to you.

I want to add too that while you have to be true to you, and that those people don’t matter, that doesn’t give you carte blanche to run your mouth and say whatever is on your mind at any given time.  While you need to be true to you, you also need to exercise good judgement.  I speak from experience on this one.  I spoke up one time, spoke my mind and I angered someone that was kind of important.  It’s made the past year kind of a struggle for me.  I don’t regret speaking my mind, but I wish I had exercised better judgement and done it in a different way.  But in the end, to me it’s worth it because I was true to me, and the people that I angered, don’t really matter.

Be true to you.  It isn’t always easy, but in the end, it’s always worth it!