Invest in Yourself

Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you. – Robin Sharma

Invest in yourself.  It sounds so easy, but it’s probably the hardest thing in the world for most people to do.  To invest in yourself, you have to believe in yourself, and that something a lot of people struggle with.  I know I do.  In fact, right now, I’m mired down in a pit of discouragement that seems so deep wonder if I’ll ever climb out.

But I will, and so will you, especially if you invest in yourself.  At times like this, when you’re down and feel like nothing is going right, those are the times when you need to believe in you. When the doubts and discouragement start talking in your head, and causing you to tear yourself down, shout back.  Drown out their voices with your own voice, telling yourself you’re great.  For every negative thing your inner voice says to you, shout two positive things back.  And yes,, I mean SHOUT.  Say it out loud!  Really shout it if you have to.

Invest in yourself, in your thoughts, in your ideas and most of all, in your value.  You are amazing (so am I though I keep forgetting). Invest in yourself, believe in yourself, and drown out the negative self talk with positive thoughts.