Just Flip It

You can solve a problem with the same mind that created it. – Dr. Wayne Dyer

Just flip it. I bet you’re wondering what that even means.  Well, it’s quite simple really.  A large portion of the problems in our lives are created by us. We over think things, we imagine things going wrongs, and we doubt everything. In short, we make a lot of our own problems. But the solution to that is to take the very thought process that created the problems and just flip it.

That’s right, just flip it.  Instead of looking at everything that could go wrong and making big giant mountains over the itty bitty mole hills in front of you, start thinking about what could go right.  It sounds so simple, because really, it is very simple.

Don’t spend your time worrying about what can go wrong, or convincing yourself that it’s not going to work. Don’t let those thoughts invade your head. If they do, just flip it. Start thinking about what’s going to work, or everything that is going to go right.  Not what can go right but what is going to go right. Your mind creates 90% of the problems that get in your way, why not use your mind to eliminate those problems instead?