Motivate Yourself

When you’re trying to motivate yourself, appreciate the fact that you’re even thinking about making a change. And as you move forward, allow yourself to be good enough. – Alice Domar

There is just something about Fridays that I can’t seem to write this post.  But we’re not talking about me and my poor time management skills.  We’re talking about what it takes to motivate yourself.

Most of us try to motivate ourselves to do something that will improve ourselves.  Maybe eat better, or work out, or polish up the resume or get out of a relationship that isn’t working. What it is your doing doesn’t matter.  What matters is the fact that you are trying.

That trying starts with a thought, or an idea.  It has to start somewhere, and it starts in your head.  It doesn’t matter what change you’re thinking about making the first step starts with you thinking about it.  From there you have to motivate yourself to do it.  Celebrate the fact that you’re thinking about it , because that’s the first step, and that’s usually the hardest one.