Love Yourself First

Love Yourself First

Helen Bradford


As Louise L. Hay once said: “Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” However, loving yourself requires effort, not just words. It may seem challenging though, especially considering how hectic our lives can be. Juggling with work, family, and many other obligations can leave us neglecting ourselves. It’s time to change the game and give yourself some much-needed TLC. It doesn’t require any groundbreaking transformations. On the contrary, adopting these few self-care habits will give you a healthy body and a healthy mind.

1. Getting started.

Self-discipline is the key when it comes to physical activity. Most of us make the decision to start exercising rather easily, but when it comes to putting it to practice, well… it’s another story. A good idea is to make a workout schedule. Keep track of your activities (and energy levels) for a week. This will give you insight into what times work best for you. Our energy levels are usually highest in the morning so that would be a good time for more intense workouts. However, if you see it as a way to vent out after a busy day at work then you’ll dedicate time to it in the evening. Take baby steps and be realistic when making your schedule. This will help you to stay focused and motivated.

2. Make your home gym-friendly.

For some people, taking trips to the nearby gym can sometimes be discouraging. If you are one those people who aren’t keen on working out with a bunch of strangers, don’t give up just yet. A great alternative is to bring a gym to your home. You can make some room in your home or a garage and turn it into your own private gym. Next, you’ll need to put in some Cyberfit gym equipment or similar high-quality fitness items. If you do your research, you’ll find that many shops offer great home gym packages. This way, you’ll enjoy exercising in the privacy of your own home and ensure good physical and mental health.

3. Moody no more.

No matter the intensity of the workout, people generally feel better after a workout. Many studies have shown the connection between physical activity and better mental health. One of the reasons is that physical activity produces endorphins or so-called “feel-good” chemicals. What’s more, it increases blood flow to the brain and lowers the blood pressure and cholesterol. It reduces stress and helps you sleep better. Exercising regularly indeed does wonders for your brain. Better concentration and increased cognitive functions are just some of the benefits physical activity has on your brain. In the end, boosting your energy levels you’ll boost your mood, too.

4. Give your self-esteem a boost.

Taking care of your body is maybe the easiest way to love yourself. Aside from the numerous benefits exercising has on your overall health, it also makes you look good. And by doing that, your confidence levels increase. If you’re persistent, the results will be your biggest motivation and not only that. If you used to have chronic pain in your neck or lower back, you’ll be thrilled to find out that sitting all day at the office isn’t a nightmare anymore. Yes, working out will strengthen your core muscles but it will enhance some other skills of yours. Mastering self-discipline at the gym will transfer to work, and healthier mind means better productivity, too.

5. Stay motivated.

Staying on point with your workout routine may not always go so smoothly. There will be days when even getting up in the morning seems like a challenge. If that happens, try not to avoid your workout completely. Alter it, adjust its intensity to your current state, but don’t skip it. Even a short walk or a bike ride can elevate your mood. Having the support of your family and friends can help you stay motivated. However, it’s best to learn how to do that by yourself. Not only will this bring you independence, but it will also boost your self-esteem and mental health. Stay persistent and whenever you feel like you’re about to fail, remembering the reason you started will keep you going.

Other people may not always be there when you need help and support, but the only person that actually matters will, and that’s you. Loving yourself doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. Taking care of your body can be a fantastic start that will lead to a leaner body, better mood, and most importantly – sharp and healthy mind.