Who Are You

I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become.
– Oprah Winfrey

Who are you? If you’re like most people you have probably asked yourself that question at least a couple of times.  The Law of Attraction, and Oprah for the sake of this quote, say you become what you focus upon, and to some extent I think that’s true.  I actually talked about it with my students this past week in school.  We had watched the movie Cinderella Man and were talking about what it means to have a positive attitude.  One thing I wanted the kids to come away with is that a positive attitude doesn’t necessarily mean rainbows, fluffy bunnies and unicorns.  A positive attitude is when you work to make the best of what you have, or what life tosses at you.

In the movie, Jimmy Braddock, played by Russell Crowe had been given a rough row to hoe during the Depression.  Through out the movie, we see that it would have been so easy to just give up, but in the words of one of my students, he just “lived his best life.”  Jimmy Braddock didn’t dwell on what he didn’t have, or what he had lost.  He just kept working to make it better.  To me that is exactly what this quote is talking about.

You are, or you become what you are thinking about and focusing upon.  So really it’s up to you to decide who you are.  Focus on the things that are good, the things that make you strong and the things that help you live your best life, and you will absolutely have your best life.