3 Ways to Empower Yourself to be Prepared

3 Ways to Empower Yourself to be Prepared


No one likes thinking of an emergency situation. We focus on the positives and try to avoid negative “what if” thoughts. This mindset can be good because it’s impossible to prepare for everything, but it can also be harmful if you aren’t prepared at all.


Luckily, you can find a balance between the two. There are 3 things you can do to empower yourself to be better prepared for an emergency. These simple actions will help you live more confidently and positively in your daily life.

1. Make a plan with your family

It can be scary to think about an emergency situation impacting your family, but creating a rough plan will help if anything were to happen. This plan will vary based on where you live, but it should include a family meeting place and an emergency kit with food and supplies. Everything might not go as planned if something were to happen (it usually doesn’t) but having a plan will help you feel safer in your daily life. This sense of security will calm any “what if” thoughts.





2. Have an emergency contact list

Emergency situations can come in all shapes and sizes. Be sure you have all the phone numbers you may need on hand. This will save time and remind you what action is needed. To help, here is a list of emergency phone numbers and a printable that has every number you might need to know. Fill it out and keep a copy in your home and your car just in case.











3. Learn to live in the moment

Lastly, but most importantly, a daily practice that can help you prepare for an emergency is learning to live in the moment. Take on each day as it comes and learn to embrace each moment for what it is. Doing this in your daily life will give you a sense of strength and confidence. If anything were to happen, you would be able to tackle it.


We can’t be ready to handle everything that life throws at us but being prepared can lead to a happier and more positive life.











