The Right Direction

Whatever way you're going, you're headed in the right direction to reach your dream. Originally posted 10-1-09 Your goals are your goals. Your dreams are your dreams. There is no right or wrong way to reach your goals and achieve your dreams. So why is it that everybody seems to know the best way for us to do everything. We start out with our parents teaching us and telling us what to do and how to do it. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, because we need to learn. Then we head off to school and we have educators telling us what to do and how to do it. Again, not a bad thing. We are also faced with peer pressure and we often find ourselves doing what everyone else is doing the way they are doing it to fit in. Again, this isn't a terrible thing because a little conformity is not a bad thing. From there, we join the workforce and our bosses are telling us what to do and how to do it. When do we get the opportunity to decide what we want to do and how to do it? It's a challenging question without an…

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Living the Life of Your Dreams

The first step to living the life of your dreams is to imagine you're living the life of your dreams. We all have dreams.  Dreams are good, in fact dreams are great.  They give us something to shoot for.  But how do we live the life our our dreams?  How do we start living on that tropical island, or in in a McMansion - or a full mansion for that matter?  The first step is to imagine yourself living the life of your dreams.  Take a few minutes every day and focus intently on your dreams and goals.  See yourself living in your dream house, or driving your dream car.  See yourself walking through your home, touching all your belongings.  Feel them in your hands.  Focus on them.  That is the first step.  But don't get so caught up in dreaming about the life you want to lead that you forget to live the life you have.  Enjoy the life you have, LOVE IT!  Be grateful for it.  That's the second step.  Do these two things faithfully and soon enough you'll find yourself living the life of your dreams.

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The Right Direction

Whatever way you're going, you're headed in the right direction to reach your dream. Your goals are your goals. Your dreams are your dreams. There is no right or wrong way to reach your goals and achieve your dreams. So why is it that everybody seems to know the best way for us to do everything. We start out with our parents teaching us and telling us what to do and how to do it. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, because we need to learn. Then we head off to school and we have educators telling us what to do and how to do it. Again, not a bad thing. We are also faced with peer pressure and we often find ourselves doing what everyone else is doing the way they are doing it to fit in. Again, this isn't a terrible thing because a little conformity is not a bad thing. From there, we join the workforce and our bosses are telling us what to do and how to do it. When do we get the opportunity to decide what we want to do and how to do it? It's a challenging question without an easy answer. If…

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