Manifesting Mantra

There are no accidents or coincidences in this world. Nothing is by chance. Everything you experience is a direct manifestation of where you focus your attention and direct your vibration.         Learn How to Easily Manifest your Greatest Desires and Dreams Your FREE Manifesting Mantra Meditation below is an experience that can magically transform your entire life. It was born out of an experience that we are ALL natural manifesting magnets. We are all constantly creating our own enlightened or unenlightened experience of life. When we own the fact that we are the masters of our mind, we become the masters of our reality. The most magical mindset in the world evolves out of the that we are already highly advanced spiritual beings in human form. We are already the enlightened masters we are seeking to become. Knowing this we can become the most powerful, magical and magnetic beings in the entire Universe! It is only from hanging out on this more conscious expansive playground in thinking that we can evolve. We can find a deeper understanding of who we are and experience a more effective approach to manifesting the life situations we truly desire... Get ready…

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It’s an Awesome Circle

Every morning, on my way to work, I list out all the things that I'm grateful for as well as my daily affirmations.  It's a part of my daily ritual, and it's a great way to start my day.  One day, I was thinking about the things I wanted to attract into my life and said, "I'm a magnet for luck, a magnet for love and a magnet for money, and I attract these things into my life.  The more I attract, the more I have.  The more I have, the happier I am.  The happier I am, the more I attract.  The more I attract the more I have, the more I have the happier I am.  It's an AWESOME CIRCLE - it's a CIRCLE OF AWESOMENESS! This has become the favorite part of my daily affirmations....thinking about the circle of awesomeness that is my life.   I hear other people talk about how their trapped in a vicious circle, but not me...I live in an AWESOME CIRCLE!

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