44 Positive Affirmations for Depression to Inspire Change

Originally posted at ECounsiling.com 44 Positive Affirmations for Depression to Inspire Change By MS Broudy, Ph.D November 12, 2020 Have you ever given yourself a pep talk? You may not have realized it, but you were practicing a form of positive affirmation. Coping with depression can be discouraging and debilitating. Vocalizing certain phrases about yourself can provide a much-needed lift and motivate you toward positive change. Affirmations are a simple and useful tool that can help with depressive symptoms. What Is a Positive Affirmation? A positive affirmation is a self-statement that emphasizes your strengths, values, and favorable qualities. According to cognitive theory, depression is caused by distorted negative beliefs. Positive affirmations can be used to counter negative perceptions and bolster confidence in your abilities. For instance, you can replace the thought, “Nobody will ever love me” with the affirmation “I am worthy of love.” Many people who use affirmations recommend standing in front of a mirror as they repeat specific phrases to themselves, but you can perform them anywhere you feel is comfortable and effective. For increased success, it is suggested you practice your affirmations at least twice daily. Do Affirmations Work? Positive affirmations have been associated with multiple factors…

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Words Have Power

No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world. - Robin Williams In this quest I have been on for personal growth, one of he things I have been doing is reciting affirmations.  Why? because words have power, and what are affirmations?  They are words.  Words that are positive statements that are repeated to impact and affect both the conscious and the subconscious mind. When you repeat them over and over again, those words, or affirmations, have the power to change your world. One only has to look at the media to see that words have power, and that power can be used to influence people's thoughts and ideas.  And while I care about news media and real news and fake news, that's not what this is about.  This is about you and how you can use words and ideas to change your life.  Something as simple as looking at your reflection in the mirror every day and telling yourself that you are awesome and amazing can boost your mood. When you think about it, what do you have to lose by making positive statements to yourself about yourself? Absolutely nothing.  Now if talking to yourself…

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10 Wealth Affirmations to Attract Riches Into Your Life

This is not my article - I found it tonight and I want to share it with you...I'm posting a snippit of it and a link to the website...It's amazing and powerful and I hope you'll all read it. Affirmations can have positive impact on your life. There are several types of positive affirmations and the most popular ones are wealth affirmations. Wealth affirmations can improve our beliefs about money and the accumulation of wealth. They make us concentrate our attentions, thoughts and ideas toward attracting wealth and abundance into our lives. You can read the rest of the article here

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Temple Run and the Law of Attraction

I have a new interest  issue addiction - it's called Temple Run.  I had no idea what this game was until one day, I was riding in the car with my daughter and these very strange noises started coming from her tablet.  At first,  thought it was the car, but then she proceeded to explain the game Temple Run to me.  I tried it when I got home, and the rest is, as they say, history.  But I'm not here to talk about my little video game interest   issue   addiction.  What I want to talk about is how I am using this game and applying it to the Law of Attraction. In Temple Run, there is a magnet bonus you can get and when you do, your character gets a glowy aura about it, and will automatically begin attracting coins.  Since attracting a lot of coins is one of the key aspects of the game, getting the magnet bonus is a good thing. One morning, driving to work, I was running over my affirmations in my head and one phrase jumped out at me.  I am a magnet for luck, a magnet for love and a magnet for money and…

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A New Year a New Outlook

This is NOT going to be one of those look back over the past year type of posts.  I could do that, but I figure just about everybody in the bloggerverse is doing that, and I'm a rebel. 2011 was a rough year for a lot of people, myself included, and I see no point in in reliving it.  It's time to move forward, and move forward with purpose, drive, determination and joy.  Joy?  Yes, joy.  Because great things are going to happen in 2012. Great, wonderful and amazing things. Set your goals in your mind, and see yourself achieving them.  Do this every day.  Develop a plan, and take baby steps toward that goal.   Just keep reminding yourself that every day in every way you are a unique and incredible individual filled with love and light! Have a wonderful and prosperous 2012 and stay positive!

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Don’t Just Pay LIP SERVICE to your Affirmations

I have a set of affirmations I say on a daily basis, and with that I have a routine. I usually say them while driving my car on my way to work. On some levels this works great. I have a scheduled set time when I do them, and they get done, but on another level, I discovered this isn't working out too well. Why? Because I'm focusing, as I should, on my driving, and NOT on my affirmations. I'm NOT feeling them, I'm NOT believing that that is how my life is right now. Instead, I'm going through the motions of saying them as I make my way through the traffic on the highway to work. Doing my affirmations this way means I'm not manifesting what I truly want as quickly and as effectively as I should. I AM manifesting, but not with the speed I could and should be. Don't just pay lip service to your affirmations, visualizations and meditation. Set aside time to focus on them completely with your entire being. You deserve the break, and you deserve to manifest your heart's desires.

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