Laugh Through It

Humor can help you cope with the unbearable so that you can stay on the bright side of things until the bright side actually comes along. - Allen Klein Some of the best advice I've ever been given is to laugh through it.  Laugh through the bad times, and through the sad times, and of course through the good times.  They, whomever they are, say that laughter is the best medicine, and they are right. Laughing can get you through some really troublesome times, and can bolster you up and give you the strength to come out on the other side. When I was in my early twenties, my dad passed away rather unexpectedly. It was of course a really horrible time. At the cemetery, the bugler was playing taps. They did the twenty-one gun salute, and were preparing to fold the flag.  We were standing there, my mom, my little sister, and I, crying when suddenly, my mother's tummy gurgled loud enough for the three of us to hear.  One by one we started to giggle - softly at first, but the more we tried to control it, the louder we got.  Inappropriate?  Maybe, but honestly, it got us…

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Color Outside the Lines

Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up. - Allen Klein So life is like a box of chocolates, and your attitude is like a box of crayons.  I like that.  It's what you do with the crayons that's important.  Are you going to be all nice and neat, or are you going to color outside the lines? I'm going to talk about coloring for a bit, so hang in there.  When I was a little kid, I mean like kindergarten little, I had to bring a paper home to get signed by my mum.  She looked at the paper and didn't understand why she had to sign it because I had done it right.  Turns out the paper had to be signed because I colored outside of the lines.  What can I say, I sucked at coloring.  I still do. But ever since that day, I don't color. At all. Ever.  All those awesome adult coloring books on the market do nothing but inspire fear…

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