
So I have this awesome little app on my phone called a gratitude journal, and every day a little reminder pops up to remind me to write down that for which I am grateful.  It also has a nice little quote or saying, and today, it said this: Before you begin to write anything, silently say "Thank you" twenty times.  Feel the feelings of gratitude as you repeat the words. I'm really happy it had this today for a variety of reasons.  Usually when I fill out my little journal, the things I post are pretty simple.  I'm grateful it's the weekend, or that I'm snuggled under warm covers on a cold winter day, or I'm grateful that the Patriots won (that would be today's gratitude.)  But for a large part of today, I wasn't grateful, in fact, I was feeling downright sorry for myself.  I wasn't dwelling on it, but the down in the dumps mood did happen  more than once today.  You all know how I feel about those moods - I think they are inevitable, and we need them to help us appreciate the good moods even more.  But this little quote today really hit me hard. …

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