I Need Your Opinions Please

Opinions Needed Hi Everyone - I need your opinions please.  As you know, I recently published my little book.  I'm really excited that I did that, and I'm really proud of myself for reaching a goal and living a dream.  Reaching for your goals and achieving your dreams is something I truly believe in.  The book I wrote is called Thinking Positive Take the Journey into Positivity and it's available on Amazon. Now here's where you come in.  I'm working on another book, fiction this time, which may or may not ever get finished.  Well not any time soon because my position in my school has changed and I have a much larger case load now with kids I know nothing about.  There is a large learning curve going on.  Added to that, I'm currently taking two classes online to get another teaching certification. If anybody knows anything about macroeconomics, drop me a line because this class is  struggle for me. Okay on to the opinion portion of our program.  I came up with an idea for a companion to my Thinking Positive book.  I'd like to make a companion journal with prompts and such to help people increase their…

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Winner Winner – Well it’s not a Chicken Dinner

The drawing has ended for a free kindle download of my new book.  Big congrats to: Brianne Stephanie Lori The each one a free kindle download!  The contest is ended, but you can still get your own copy on Amazon!  When you do, be sure and let me know what you think. Click on the book to get either your own ebook, or hard copy.

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Enter the Drawing

Don't forget to enter the drawing to win a free Kindle copy of my new book!  And just a quick note- Kindle put through an update to fix some formatting errors, so if you downloaded it previously, please get the updated version at no cost to you.

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More Awesome Happy News

Hey Everyone I have more awesome happy news. First there were some formatting errors with the original kindle publication.  I've fixed hem and emailed the nice Amazon people and hopefully they'll let people update their copies. Second, and here is where he awesome happy news comes in, when I was uploading the corrections, I decided to take Amazon up on their print copy offer.  So if you're not a kindle person, and you want a physical copy, you can get it through Amazon.  Just click on the book and it will bring you to the hard copy page. Yes, I realize the cover is a bit different.  What can I say, I don't know what I'm doing :)

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