Beyond Our Illusions – contest

Beyond Our Illusions The key to using Universal Laws to transform your life - by Deborah Sless Hi Everyone - big news.  I have been asked to  review Beyond our Illusions:  The key to using Universal Laws to transform your life by Deborah Sless.  The book is phenomenal, and I'm on my second reading before I begin writing my review. The publishers of Beyond Our Illusions have been generous enough to donate several copies for me to give away.  When I post the review, you will be invited to comment and share why you want to receive a copy, AND you will be invited to submit your own review, and/or write a guest post on Think Positive 30.  Winners will be chosen at random from all the comments posted. From the book jacket: Despite following the advice of a wealth of bestselling self-help books, most of us are still no closer to understanding the fundamental laws and principles that govern the universe, our interactions within it and our ability to achieve success, health, wealth and happiness. Have you ever wondered why the Law of Attraction isn't working for you? There is a very rational reason why. Quite simply, the Universal…