Just a Little Message

I just wanted to share a little message with you. Last week and this week, the Daily Positive Thought emails have been positive thoughts that I sent out before.  Next week's probably will too because I'm recovering from surgery.  Here is what I said: I just want to update you.  I had my surgery this past Tuesday.  I came through with flying colors, and short two breasts, so technically I know longer have breast cancer I guess.  I hurt.... a lot, and this summer when I have the reconstructive surgery, I'll hurt more.  But that's okay because I am going to win this war. I want to tell you something that every single nurse I have dealt with has said to me.  "You really have a positive attitude!"  In fact, I've had visits from two different visiting nurses here at the house and they both said they have never laughed or had so much fun at a visit before.  Thinking positive does help.  Is it making the hurt go away?  No, but I have to wonder, would I be feeling more pain if I had a negative outlook?  I don't intend to find out. Positive thinking does so much.  But…


Positive Thinking in Action

Where you been? Hi everybody - long time no post.  Here's the deal.  My life has been not great.  Last year I settled into a huge deep giant funk so I did what all smart people in a funk should do, and I went to my doctor. I was diagnosed with depression and provided with an antidepressant. Life got a little bit better, but not spectacular. I was plugging along, living my life, but I was not living my best life, and worse, I wasn't doing anything about that. Talk About a Kick in the Pants Amazingly, something happened that kicked me in the proverbial buttocks and got me thinking in a more positive manner, and you will never believe what it was. I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I know, how could that make someone think more positively?  It's a honest question, and as you know, I've never been one to pull my punches, so I'm going to give you an honest answer.  If you want the full breast cancer story, you can read about it in The Breast Cancer Diaries. So I was due for my mammogram in August, 2022, but the building that houses the place were…

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