To Guarantee Success

To guarantee success, act as if it were impossible to fail. - Dorothea Brande It's all about confidence. If you want to be successful, you must act as if you can and will succeed. There is no room for doubt. It's great advice, but what if you're not there yet? What if you're filled with doubt? Well, I can't give you any professional advice because I'm not a professional, I'm not a life coach, I'm not a motivational speaker. I'm a high school teacher. I can only tell you what I do on those occasions that I want to succeed, but I'm filled with doubt (and there are many)I fake it to make it. Yes, you heard that correctly, I fake it to make it. I will pretend to be filled with confidence.  I will pretend that I am the most confident person in the world.  And guess what?  Eventually, I'll start to believe it, and I'll be pretending a little less, and feeling it a little more.  And then a little more, until eventually, I'm NOT faking it, I am full of confidence.  It may not happen right away, and it probably won't happen all at once, but little…

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