Give Up

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can't have it. -  Dr. Robert Anthony I find it hard to believe that I would title anything give up, but right here, right now, with this quote, give up works.  There comes a time when you have to give up on the negative thoughts, and the doubts that fill you and stop you from getting what you want. I hate, and I mean hate the negative thoughts, the doubts and the negative self talk that can fill my head.  It gets in my way and stops me from getting some of the things that I really want.  I know I need to give it up, but I know for me it's hard to do and I'm sure it is for other people as well.  Those negative things can often masquerade as common sense, or the "safe" choice.  They are tricky little buggers! One thing I like to do, and it may work for you is to talk back to those negative thoughts.  That's right, talk back, in fact, you can even argue with them.  For example, I have this incredible story idea…

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The Secret of Deliberate Creation

Have you ever wondered why the Law of Attraction isn't working well for you?  You've watched the video, you've read the book, in fact you've read many books and still you struggle.  It's an exercise in frustration.  You're living in default mode instead of design mode.  You're conditioned to have low, or even empty expectations, but you cannot achieve success by slapping positive thoughts on top of empty expectations.  Trust me, I know.  I was banging my head against the wall.  I'm Joe positive...I'm always thinking positive and looking for the good everywhere and in everything.  But then I learned about The Secret of Deliberate Creation.  Dr. Robert Anthony breaks it all down and helps you to work through the roadblocks that are sabotaging your success.  If you want to learn more about this fantastic program, Click Here!  Give yourself permission to TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE, and start manifesting your heart's desire.

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The Secret of Deliberate Creation

Please check out this exciting offer from Dr. Robert Anthony.

Revealed:  A Powerful, Proven Technique that Unlocks the Law of Attraction So You Can Finally Manifest What you Want When you want!

This is NOT about theory – this is about measurable results…

You are not alone. The Law of Attraction has been a mysterious myth to millions of people, a ‘too good to be true’ fairytale that has spread like wildfire. Making us all wonder if it really exists at all.

You are smart. You’ve seen people succeed around you and you’ve decided it’s your turn. You are looking for something tangible that you will know with 100% certainty is working in your life.

You are ready. You are tired of waiting, you are tired of watching, you are tired of hoping and now it’s your time.

And here’s the truth, if you don’t do something different now, nothing will change.

The Number One Reason Why You’re
Banging Your Head Against a Wall is Because

You are creating your life unconsciously by living in DEFAULT mode instead of consciously by living in DESIGN mode.

Most of the time you are blocking the deliberate creation process because your conscious messages and your unconscious messages are in conflict.

Am I saying that you are deliberately or consciously sabotaging yourself? (more…)

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