I Need Your Opinions Please

Opinions Needed Hi Everyone - I need your opinions please.  As you know, I recently published my little book.  I'm really excited that I did that, and I'm really proud of myself for reaching a goal and living a dream.  Reaching for your goals and achieving your dreams is something I truly believe in.  The book I wrote is called Thinking Positive Take the Journey into Positivity and it's available on Amazon. Now here's where you come in.  I'm working on another book, fiction this time, which may or may not ever get finished.  Well not any time soon because my position in my school has changed and I have a much larger case load now with kids I know nothing about.  There is a large learning curve going on.  Added to that, I'm currently taking two classes online to get another teaching certification. If anybody knows anything about macroeconomics, drop me a line because this class is  struggle for me. Okay on to the opinion portion of our program.  I came up with an idea for a companion to my Thinking Positive book.  I'd like to make a companion journal with prompts and such to help people increase their…

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Live Your Dreams

Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving toward your goals. - LL Cool J There is a theme to this week's positive thoughts, and it's all about dreams.  I'm sure you all can guess why I'm all about the live your dreams this week. It's because I did, and you can too. I've made no secret at all about my desire to be a published writer - it's something that had been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. And now, I am a published writer. I know there are plenty of people who will say that self-publishing on Amazon isn't really getting a book published.  I don't care!!!! To me it is, and tha's what matters.  I have a book available on Amazon and people can buy it.  I have met a goal and I have fulfilled a dream. It just goes o prove that you can live your dreams.  And for the naysayers who say you can't do it, or you shouldn't do it, or publishing on Amazon doesn't count, well their opinions shouldn't matter to you, or to me.  Your dreams are your dreams.  You set the goal, you made the…

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More Awesome Happy News

Hey Everyone I have more awesome happy news. First there were some formatting errors with the original kindle publication.  I've fixed hem and emailed the nice Amazon people and hopefully they'll let people update their copies. Second, and here is where he awesome happy news comes in, when I was uploading the corrections, I decided to take Amazon up on their print copy offer.  So if you're not a kindle person, and you want a physical copy, you can get it through Amazon.  Just click on the book and it will bring you to the hard copy page. Yes, I realize the cover is a bit different.  What can I say, I don't know what I'm doing :)

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The Gift You Give Yourself by Teaching Others – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade "We teach that which we most need to learn." ~ David Bach Some version of that quote has been used by leaders for as long as I can remember, and for good reason. While it's wonderful when we learn something new, the best way to integrate new knowledge and make it stick in our lives is to teach it. This is because teaching challenges us to really understand what we're learning. It challenges us to understand it with such clarity that we can effectively communicate it to others. Teaching also exposes us to feedback from others, and that feedback is helpful (and sometimes even necessary) for us to understand something deeply enough to integrate it into our lives. Those are just a few of the benefits you get by teaching something. Studies have shown that when you are first learning something, that if you teach it to somebody shortly thereafter, you'll remember what you learn more effectively and understand it more thoroughly. In fact, some teaching methods ~ ironically ~ require students to immediately turn around and teach others what they learn. The beauty of this approach is that it doesn't only deepen learning; it also creates…

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Follow Your Passion

Follow what you are genuinely passionate about and let that guide you to your destination. - Diane Sawyer I work in the education field, and as such, I frequently field rather nasty comments about getting into education just for the vacations.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the vacations (when i don't have to work a second job through them), but that's NOT why I became a teacher.  I LOVE working with kids.  I LOVE learning, and I LOVE sharing what I've learned.  That is why I became a teacher.  Sadly, I see many teachers who don't love kids, and don't love sharing their knowledge.  They became teachers because of the summer vacation, or because they just didn't have a clue what to do with their lives.  It shows in their teaching, or lack of teaching. They didn't follow their dreams.  They may truly be passionate about the subject they teach, but teaching isn't their dream, and it shows.  Don't get stuck somewhere that you really don't want to be.  Follow your passions, but follow them completely and live the life of your dreams.  

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A New Year a New Outlook

This is NOT going to be one of those look back over the past year type of posts.  I could do that, but I figure just about everybody in the bloggerverse is doing that, and I'm a rebel. 2011 was a rough year for a lot of people, myself included, and I see no point in in reliving it.  It's time to move forward, and move forward with purpose, drive, determination and joy.  Joy?  Yes, joy.  Because great things are going to happen in 2012. Great, wonderful and amazing things. Set your goals in your mind, and see yourself achieving them.  Do this every day.  Develop a plan, and take baby steps toward that goal.   Just keep reminding yourself that every day in every way you are a unique and incredible individual filled with love and light! Have a wonderful and prosperous 2012 and stay positive!

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Keep Your Dreams

Never part with your dreams. When they're gone, you might still exist, but you cease to live. Yes, another post about dreams. I mentioned here that I talk a lot about dreams.  In the past,  when I've spoken about dreams, I've said that everybody has dreams.  I was wrong to say that.  I shouldn't make assumptions like that.  I can't make a blanket statement and say that everybody does this, or everybody has that.  It's presumptuous of me.  It saddens me to think that there are people who have given up their dreams.  I hope I always have dreams.  It gives me something to shoot for, and gives me hope that things can be even better than they already are.  Please, don't give up on your dreams, and most of all, don't give up on you.

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Choosing to Change – Chris Cade

Last week, I had a dream in which I was driving on a road near the ocean. There was a person who wouldn't let me pass, and I clearly understood that there was a conspiracy of sorts. After handing this person a little bit of pocket change (kind of like this week's "Inspirational Video of the Week"), I was allowed to pass. Then I woke up in the room that I grew up in as a child. It was the middle of the night, and I put some change down on the nightstand next to me. That's when I realized I was still dreaming, and the conspiracy dream that I previously had was a "dream within a dream." I fell back to sleep ~ that is to say ~ I fell asleep back into a "dream within a dream." This time I was in a supermarket. The shelf next to me had some empty space, and I put some pocket change down there as well. As I walked down the aisle, I asked myself a question inside my head: "What don't I know about this world?" Immediately, the entire world shook violently. Bigger than the biggest earthquakes in history. I…

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The Right Direction

Whatever way you're going, you're headed in the right direction to reach your dream. Originally posted 10-1-09 Your goals are your goals. Your dreams are your dreams. There is no right or wrong way to reach your goals and achieve your dreams. So why is it that everybody seems to know the best way for us to do everything. We start out with our parents teaching us and telling us what to do and how to do it. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, because we need to learn. Then we head off to school and we have educators telling us what to do and how to do it. Again, not a bad thing. We are also faced with peer pressure and we often find ourselves doing what everyone else is doing the way they are doing it to fit in. Again, this isn't a terrible thing because a little conformity is not a bad thing. From there, we join the workforce and our bosses are telling us what to do and how to do it. When do we get the opportunity to decide what we want to do and how to do it? It's a challenging question without an…

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To Guarantee Success

To guarantee success, act as if it were impossible to fail. - Dorothea Brande It's all about confidence. If you want to be successful, you must act as if you can and will succeed. There is no room for doubt. It's great advice, but what if you're not there yet? What if you're filled with doubt? Well, I can't give you any professional advice because I'm not a professional, I'm not a life coach, I'm not a motivational speaker. I'm a high school teacher. I can only tell you what I do on those occasions that I want to succeed, but I'm filled with doubt (and there are many)I fake it to make it. Yes, you heard that correctly, I fake it to make it. I will pretend to be filled with confidence.  I will pretend that I am the most confident person in the world.  And guess what?  Eventually, I'll start to believe it, and I'll be pretending a little less, and feeling it a little more.  And then a little more, until eventually, I'm NOT faking it, I am full of confidence.  It may not happen right away, and it probably won't happen all at once, but little…

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