What Inspires You When Nothing Else Can? – Chris Cade

My friend Jaime Mintun recently posted on her blog, "What Inspires You When Nothing Else Can?" I got to thinking about that question rather seriously, and what I discovered was interesting. The spirit of the question was intended as "When you can't get yourself going, what do you do to get going?" Inspirational quotes, thoughts, videos, poems, stories, etc. And while I use those on a regular basis, if we don't take them in fully, they become just more platitudes and cliches for false positive thinking (like my recent email, "The LIE about positive thinking.") In my serious discovery, I decided to take the question further and explore it from a "Dark Night of the Soul" perspective. In other words, what can we do when we experience life as so beyond miserable that NOTHING else can inspire us? The answer surprised me... When *nothing* else can, only 1 thing works: entertaining distraction. That's because when life seems miserable, your mind is so consumed by a negative state that it can't even recognize there's a positive aspect to the world. This negativity becomes a habit so bound to your psychological state that it can only be broken by completely severing your connection to…

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The Lie About Positive Thinking – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade You've heard it all before... "Think more positively and you'll get what you want. Visualize, affirm, and manifestation will happen effortlessly. Oh and be sure to overcome those pesky limiting beliefs! Affirmations, gratitude, and positive thinking will cover that one for you. Life is easy if you just think positively enough!" I have one word to say about that kind of positive thinking... LIE. Delusional. Misleading. Uninformed. Detrimental. Okay, so by the time my subconscious was done ranting I discovered I had more than just one word. :) That's not to say positive thinking is bad. It's fundamentally important to living a happy, fulfilled, engaged life. However, the lie and myth is that positive thinking is all that's needed. The reality is that we have difficult and painful emotions for a reason. They arise out of a self-protective compassionate need to SERVE our selves more effectively. Like physical pain, emotional pain is a compass that helps us see when things aren't quite working right inside ourselves. When we ignore physical pain or mask it over with overmedication, our body degenerates and ultimately finds more pain (not less). The same is true when we use Positive Thinking as a form of "overmedication"…

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The Truth Walk – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade As Morpheus says in The Matrix, "There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path." This is the greatest challenge any of us have on the path of personal transformation. How do we live what we believe to be true? The first step is fundamental to my teachings: Don't take anybody's word for it. Not even mine. Find out what is true for yourself. Sure, it helps to have insights and pointers. Programs, videos, emails, audio interviews, live seminars, and so on are wonderful ways to get closer to people who have discovered the Truths that you want to embody. Still, all of those are... pointers. Only you can "walk" the path as Morpheus says. With that in mind, here's a quick exercise I call "The Truth Walk" to help you discover what is actually true for you. It's rather simple, and you can do it anytime and every time you're walking. Here's how it works. First, bring into your awareness a spiritual Truth or lesson you'd like to embody more fully. I think that Dan Millman's "Laws of Spirit" and Deepak Chopra's "7 Spiritual Laws of Success" (and "7 Spiritual Laws Of Superheros") are…

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What is Helplessness – Chris Cade

Chris Cade Nobody likes to feel helpless. It is probably most frequently avoided human emotion. People push themselves beyond their limits as well as fall into deep depression just to avoid feeling helpless. The thing about it is this... Helplessness, like all other difficult emotions, is a gateway to deeper wisdom and greater inner freedom. Sure it may not seem like that. After all, we try to avoid it! But it's only when we stop avoiding our feelings of helplessness that we can discover those inner gifts contained within. Here's how I define (REFRAME) helplessness: "Helplessness is a sign that your Inner Critic believes you 'should' do more than the Universe needs you to do in a particular situation." Your Partner In Transformation, Chris Cade Liberate Your Life P.S. I thought about explaining the idea above, but I decided not to. Instead, I figure it's best to let you explore it for yourself... even if part of that exploration includes the possibility that you might feel helpless. If you would like to take the next step with Chris, sign up sign up for his Free "Getting Things Changed" 7-part mini-program that exposes the inner and outer obstacles conspiring against your best efforts…

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A Spell to Make the Unseen – Seen – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade I'm writing this while watching Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader with my son. The current scene is where several invisible characters are telling a girl to remember a "spell that makes the unseen... seen." And it got me to thinking, what exactly does that mean? In the context of the movie, the answer is simple: It's a spell that makes invisible people become visible. What I find interesting is how it relates to our daily lives. For example: How often do our thoughts go unexamined? Reactions and historical conditioning drive the majority of our lives. That quick snap judgment without knowing the full situation, a moment of anger when we lack the full picture, eating the same meal day after day and driving the same path to work, and replaying the same relationship dynamics with each new partner... All examples of unexamined thoughts directing our actions. In a way, you could think of those thoughts as "unseen." The benefits are that we don't have to think as much. To the Inner Critic and our egos, life seems "easier" this way. That isn't necessarily true. It's just more "comfortable" to the unseen aspects of our subconscious minds.…

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Be Happy with You

I don't know where this came from originally, but it really resonated with me. Dear One,  Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone, to have a deep soul relationship with another, to be loved thoroughly and exclusively, but I say "No."  Not until you are satisfied, fulfilled and content with being alone, with giving yourself totally and unreservedly to Me, will you be ready to have the intensely personal and unique relationship that I have planned for you.  You will never be united with anyone or anything else until you are united with Me. I want you to stop planning, stop wishing, and start allowing Me to give you the most thrilling plan in existence - one that you cannot even imagine. I want you to have the best.  Please, allow Me to bring it to you.  You must keep watching Me expecting the greatest of things.  Keep experiencing the satisfaction that I AM.  Keep listening and learning the things that I will tell you.  Just wait.  That's all.  Don't be anxious. Don't worry.  Don't look around at the things others have or that I have given them. Don't look at the things you think you want. Just keep…


Aber die Musici bleiben besteh’n

Music Alone Shall Live (All Things Shall Perish) Himmel und Erde müssen vergeh'n, Aber die Musici, Aber die Musici, Aber die Musici bleiben besteh'n   All things shall perish from under the sky, Music alone shall live Music alone shall live Music alone shall live, never to die.   So before you wonder if I'm going crazy, the answer is no, no I'm not.  I've been thinking a LOT about the power of music and what an awesome motivator it can be.  THEN I heard Don't Stop by Fleetwood Mac and I felt like I HAD to share the lyrics.  From there it was time to come up with a title for the blog post when this song I sang at a music festival popped into my head and I knew if I put the title in German, it would require some explanation.  Wow...long convoluted explanation to get to the blog post, lol. Don't Stop - Christine McVie. Sometimes, getting up and just getting out of bed can be the biggest struggle.  Who wants to leave their nice safe cozy haven to face who knows what?  And then there is the whole concept of morning.  It's absolutely evil to some…

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Why Insults Hurt – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade   At the beginning of this year, I posted on Facebook the following thought of mine: "If you know that you are living authentically and with integrity, there is nothing anybody else can say to you that will shake that. Other peoples' insults hurt because at least some small (or big) part of you believes the insult to be true." A woman named Jana replied with this: "Maybe the insults hurt because someone cruel enough to say them directed them at you for no good reason except their own jealousy or intent to hurt. That does happen. Yes you need a thick skin, but no one wants to be reviled, deserved or not." Though this might sound like a technicality, I'd like you to consider another possibility that is both subtle and has important implications. The -insults- always hurt because some part of you identifies with the insult. Put another way: You have a reaction to the insult because some part of you believes two things to be true about it: (1) That the insult is true (2) That the insult reflects negatively on you If you believe those two things when somebody insults you, then you'll…

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Forcing the Issue – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade

As you know, I have a passion for rapid personal growth. Since most of us transform our lives relatively slowly (if at all), there’s a real benefit to knowing how to make transformations quickly. Since we have a limited time on Earth then it serves us to know how to optimize our lives.

This doesn’t mean that it’s in our best interests to always be pushing ourselves to be faster, better, and more. That’s not what I’m suggesting. What I am suggesting is that if life is our schoolroom, how can we make the most effective use of that experience? How can we allow life to serve us as fully as possible?

One way is to “force the issue.”
Or to phrase it differently: We can enter into situations in which a learning experience with growth is the inevitable, eventual, and guaranteed outcome of a particular experience.
We could go into those situations both willingly and unwillingly. For example, we experience this during times of extreme duress when our preferred outer-world options are limited or even eliminated. It could come in the form of being fired from work, the death of a loved one or a relationship that ends, an unexpectedly severe and debilitating illness, or any other number of unwanted yet extreme situations.
These “force” us to choose either a path of growth or a path of destruction. We’ll learn from both directions. That’s inevitable. It’s eventual. And growth is a guaranteed outcome. It may not be growth as we think of it in a “positive” sense. Destruction might cause us to go into a place so dark that whatever we learn is pushed down into our subconscious. Still, learning happens through every experience. The more extreme the experience, the more severe it is, the greater the growth.
Ideally as we live a more conscious life, the path of destruction fades away and growth comes to the forefront. Rather than curl up into a ball and wait for the metaphorical pounding to stop, we can stand up and step forward. This is not easy. It takes a lot of courage, willpower, and strength. It takes dedication to your growth. And it is incredibly rewarding.

On the other hand, what if you don’t have to wait for life to hand you those situations? What if you could create them yourselves?

You can. One way is to limit your options. This is a way to “force the issue” in your daily life. Here’s a few examples…
Eating healthier: Throw away all your unhealthy food. Buy healthy food.
Breaking an addiction: Get rid of what you’re addicted to. Lock it up. Hide it. Do anything you can to make it incredibly difficult to access.
Starting a new business: Quit your job.
Getting some rest and relaxation: Tell your employer (and anybody else necessary) you’re taking a day or few off. (more…)

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Love Yourself – From Chris Cade

Every once in a while, the Universe does something awesome - right now, right this second was one of those awesome things.   This morning I posted a blog post about the importance of being a friend to yourself and loving yourself. Just a few minutes ago in an email, I received this from Chris Cade.  Talk about synchronicity! A couple of days ago was Valentine's Day. All across the world, people experienced a variety of emotions. Though there's three primary ones I've noticed seem to be most common: (1) A deep affection and love (usually towards others) It seems that by giving ourselves a "reason" to love, it activates that part of ourselves that finds reasons to experience, express, and share our love. This is not unlike a sentimental photo that reminds us of a past moment we cherished. "Valentine's Day" can act as a symbol to look inward and live more fully outward. (2) Indifference For me, most Valentine's Days pass with irrelevance. Every day is an opportunity to experience, express, and share love. Rather than having to "find" a reason, I focus on removing the inner blocks so I naturally experience those reasons more frequently. with each passing…

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