It’s Time to Stop Giving – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade In my previous email (which you can click here to read), I shared that there's a new way to go beyond the "getting" and "giving" paradigm and into a new way of engaging with the world. In short, "giving" inherently suggests an experience of separation. "I have this. I give it to you. Now you have it. I don't." If you give away a dollar, you no longer have it yourself. The dollar is separated from you and joined with another person, so to speak. In the case of emotions like love, it seems less obvious that this is what happens. In fact, some great authors and speakers have commented how love is the only thing that when we give it away, we actually have more of it. In theory that's great. I love the principle. In reality, it still subconsciously encourages separation. It presumes at the basic level, "I have love and you don't." (or don't have enough of it) Perhaps I'm an idealist, but I believe we all have love within us. Sure we may be blocked from experiencing that love in its fullest unconditioned state. Decades of history, pain, and conditioning will block it…

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Solving Your Problems

by Chris Cade Recently I shared with you that I've been going through a difficult time emotionally. It relates to significant changes in my relationship with somebody I am close with. "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." ~ Albert Einstein Most of the problems we have in life appear to be caused by circumstances and people beyond us. We often feel that changes are happening "to" us. Because of that, we try to solve problems using a faulty logic system. It goes something like this... "This other person hurt me. I am angry and sad. That person is bad/hurtful/mean because he made me angry and sad. I will try to make that person realize how much I am hurt. After he apologizes, I will feel better. Then we can be close again." While that may help you temporarily feel better, it's not a lasting solution. Every time you are hurt, it requires somebody else to take responsibility for your pain. In having enough challenges in my life, I have realized that the most important "problems" can only be "solved" by deep understanding of myself. That's why whenever there are changes in my…

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Your Emotions are Valid – The Daily Love

Your Emotions Are Valid, Choose People Who Believe That, Too! originally posted by Mastin Kipp on August 28, 2011 at The Daily Love Our emotions are not a burden, neither to us nor to the people in our lives. Our emotions are real and they are valid. If we are to be happy, we must begin to step into not only loving our emotions, but also finding healthy ways to express them. We can’t build intimacy with anyone in our life without the ability to express our emotions and feel safe doing so. Many people have written in the  and shared how they feel guilty for expressing their emotions, even though they feel their life is a blessing. They feel that their emotions are a burden and shouldn’t be expressed unless they are totally 100% positive. But you see, anyone who only wants us to express “positive” emotions (including ourselves) doesn’t have true unconditional love for us. Rather, they have a conditional kind of love that can only handle the “good”. This is probably for good reason, namely because everyone is going through something and many folks don’t want even MORE negativity in their life. However, for us to really love each…

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