More Awesome Happy News

Hey Everyone I have more awesome happy news. First there were some formatting errors with the original kindle publication.  I've fixed hem and emailed the nice Amazon people and hopefully they'll let people update their copies. Second, and here is where he awesome happy news comes in, when I was uploading the corrections, I decided to take Amazon up on their print copy offer.  So if you're not a kindle person, and you want a physical copy, you can get it through Amazon.  Just click on the book and it will bring you to the hard copy page. Yes, I realize the cover is a bit different.  What can I say, I don't know what I'm doing :)

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Just in Case

I came across this image today, and I promptly shared it everywhere.  I think we should all read it to yourselves or say it to ourselves every morning. In case you forgot to remind yourself this morning...your butt is perfect. Your smile lights up the room. Your mind is insanely cool. You are way more than enough, and you are doing an amazing job at life. I know I've blogged about this before, but we are our own worst enemy.  Seriously!  I don't know about you, but I wouldn't talk to my worst enemy the way I talk to myself.  My internal monologues are filled with disgust about myself, my life, my eating habits, my laziness, basically, my everything.  Let's just take eating habits for a second.  Yeah, my eating habits are not the greatest, but neither are the eating habits of a lot of other people.  There will be times when we'll be pigging out on junk food and someone will comment on how bad they are eating or how much weight they need to lose.   To them I will say supportive things. "It's okay to take a break from eating healthy," or "Splurge today and get right back…

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