Harnessing the Power of the Seer – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade I really like the word "Seer." Most commonly, a Seer is defined as somebody (often described as a "prophet") "to whom divine revelations are made." In other words, they see what others cannot. World-changing visionaries throughout history have been referred to as "Seers" whenever they predicted the future with a degree of better-than-average accuracy. But what really enables them to have that capacity? Are some people born more capable of being a Seer than others? Are some of us destined to remain in the dark while others like Edgar Cayce spout off divine revelations in their sleep? While I can't answer any of those questions (sorry to lead you on!), what I can say is that I find another definition of "Seer" to be quite interesting: It's root is "See." A "Seer" is anybody who "sees." In a literal definition, that's about eyes. Yet I don't think anybody would doubt that Helen Keller could "see." Some might argue she saw better than those people who had eyes. She had to. Without eyes, her other senses were forced to become much more highly attuned. Her brain had to function in a fundamentally different way so that she could…

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