Share Your Dreams – Challenge Day 6

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together becomes reality. - John Lennon So this is going to seem rather round about and convoluted, but just hang in there for a few minutes.  It had been bitterly cold where I live, and at my school, a pipe to the sink in my classroom froze.  We had no school today because of a blizzard, a blizzard that came right after the temperature rose just a bit. Well I got a call this morning from my principal telling me that the pipe burst and my classroom was a mess.  Needless to say I headed into school only to find that my principal was wrong, it wasn't a mess, it was a disaster area.  And as bad as my room was, the room of the teacher below me was even worse because the water had to go some place, and that place was down. I'll be 100% honest, my negativity was off the chart, and I forgot everything I ever knew about thinking positive and finding a positive in the what was a very negative situation.  I literally couldn't think of a single solitary positive thing about…