Here is Why Your Future is Full of Radness

by Mastin Kipp Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. This is not just a Christian thing… Here at TDL (The Daily Love) we pull from ALL sources of truth. No matter what you believe, seriously consider this statement. When we don’t have a vision in life, we have nothing to aim for, no purpose, no empowering meaning and life seems dull and numb and even meaningless. And when we live a meaningless life, we tend to create at a very low level. Tony Robbins talks about a lot of the people he’s met who have been suicidal. One of the common patterns he’s noticed is that people who no longer want to live feel this way because they have no vision for the future to be better than the past. Now, I’m paraphrasing his words and I don’t have anywhere near the amount of experience that he does in working with people. But this is a very interesting thing to consider. Remember, here at TDL we don’t believe that everything we say is “The” truth, just thoughts, ideas and opinions for you to consider. So please take what you want from this and leave the…

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Your Emotions are Valid – The Daily Love

Your Emotions Are Valid, Choose People Who Believe That, Too! originally posted by Mastin Kipp on August 28, 2011 at The Daily Love Our emotions are not a burden, neither to us nor to the people in our lives. Our emotions are real and they are valid. If we are to be happy, we must begin to step into not only loving our emotions, but also finding healthy ways to express them. We can’t build intimacy with anyone in our life without the ability to express our emotions and feel safe doing so. Many people have written in the  and shared how they feel guilty for expressing their emotions, even though they feel their life is a blessing. They feel that their emotions are a burden and shouldn’t be expressed unless they are totally 100% positive. But you see, anyone who only wants us to express “positive” emotions (including ourselves) doesn’t have true unconditional love for us. Rather, they have a conditional kind of love that can only handle the “good”. This is probably for good reason, namely because everyone is going through something and many folks don’t want even MORE negativity in their life. However, for us to really love each…

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Seriously It’s OK to Let Go – Mastin Kipp

From The Daily Love It’s okay to let go. True Love is letting go. Freedom and free will are the by-products of Love. So many of us lead our lives holding on so tightly that nothing new, nothing miraculous can find us. We have been taught for a very long time that holding on is what makes us strong, is what Love is made of and is the best answer. But we are stepping into a new paradigm. We are stepping into a time where growth and Love lead the way. This means we are constantly changing, evolving, dying and being reborn. What must come first is our own spiritual growth. This means listening to our intuition, trusting our gut and expressing ourselves authentically without hiding. Holding on to a broken relationship stunts our growth. You don’t get points from The Uni-verse for how much you suffer. The Uni-verse wants to deliver to you all that your heart desires. Our relationships have been sent to teach us, to mold us and to shape us. When we seek Love, The Uni-verse sends us all kinds of relationships that bring to the surface all the blocks we have to Love. We must…

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Be a Loving Mirror – Mastin Kipp

Be a Loving Mirror by Mastin Kipp   Instead of trying to change someone to be the way you want him or her to be, here’s a new idea: send them love. Love them, just as they are with no changes and just send them love; see them happy, healthy and living a vibrant life. We step out of love and into fear when we try to make people conform to our ideal of what we think they should be. This is out of alignment for two reasons: 1. We are not unconditionally loving someone when we expect him or her to be any other way than they are. 2. We are not unconditionally loving ourselves if we are consciously choosing to be in a relationship with someone who isn’t meeting our needs. It is faaaaar easier to choose someone who you are compatible with from the beginning, than to choose to be in relationship with someone who’s potential you see, but who you want to change. When we choose to only love someone when they meet our expectations, we are letting our ego run the show. We have no idea what The Uni-verse is calling this person to do…

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Step out of Blame – The Daily Love

Let Us Step Out Of Blame

by Mastin Kipp 

Let us step out of blame today. When we decide to blame or in any way emotionally stab someone, we are simply projecting our own pain onto him or her. In doing so, we give him or her all the power for how we feel, which creates even more pain because we know deep down another person can never make us feel happy or sad.

So today, in an effort to not only take our power back but also become more loving, let us cease to blame and instead tell on ourselves. Let us express how we feel instead of blaming someone else for how we feel. Let us take ownership over our emotions, for we are realizing that it is merely our interpretations of the events of our lives that create the emotions we feel.

When we dishonor and do not express our emotions, we let them well up within us. We must give them voice; we must let them out to air. Not because we need to dump them all over something, no, but because we value creating intimacy in our relationships and the only way we can do that is by being willing to become vulnerable enough to tell on ourselves.


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Allow Yourself – The Daily Love

Allow Yourself To Open Up & Be Brand New Today

by Mastin Kipp 


I am going to make a bold and audacious claim on this Saturday morning: EVERYTHING your heart truly desires, yes EVERYTHING that is meant to be yours will come when you are finally willing to become the person it takes to manifest it.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines being willing as “inclined or favorably disposed in mind: ready”. And ready is defined as “prepared mentally or physically for some experience or action”. To prepare is defined as “to put in a proper state of mind”.

And there, yet again, is the root of all things: our “state of mind”. If we were to reverse this and string all this together, we could infer that:

When we are in the proper state of mind that has physically and mentally prepared us to be ready and willing, life opens up.

This statement begs the questions: “What is the proper state of mind?” and “What are we preparing to be ready for?” If you want the answers to these questions, read on.

First and most importantly let us ask, “What is the proper state of mind?”


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Harness the Power of Saying No

by Mastin Kipp  From The Daily Love I’ve written a lot about how important it is to say YES to your dreams. But part of saying YES to your dreams is learning how to say NO to what doesn’t fit into your vision. My life coach, Laurie Gerber at The Handel Group, has been teaching me a lot about this. Recently she told me “The more powerful the no, the more powerful the yes.” This is a powerful statement. I like saying yes and I don’t like letting people down. But TDL has grown to a point where it’s impossible for me to say yes to everything. In working with Laurie we’re really focusing on what my top priorities are and then weeding out the rest. Its sooooo hard for me to say no, ‘cuz I get excited, I love life and I have a curious mind. But when I remember my dream and get clear about the priorities of what I have to do to manifest that dream, and get real with myself about how much time all those priorities take, it becomes obvious that the word ‘no’ will be used more in my life. This is along the…

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