Words Have Power

No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world. - Robin Williams In this quest I have been on for personal growth, one of he things I have been doing is reciting affirmations.  Why? because words have power, and what are affirmations?  They are words.  Words that are positive statements that are repeated to impact and affect both the conscious and the subconscious mind. When you repeat them over and over again, those words, or affirmations, have the power to change your world. One only has to look at the media to see that words have power, and that power can be used to influence people's thoughts and ideas.  And while I care about news media and real news and fake news, that's not what this is about.  This is about you and how you can use words and ideas to change your life.  Something as simple as looking at your reflection in the mirror every day and telling yourself that you are awesome and amazing can boost your mood. When you think about it, what do you have to lose by making positive statements to yourself about yourself? Absolutely nothing.  Now if talking to yourself…

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You Have the Power – Challenge Day 4

No matter what people may tell you, words and ideas can change the world. - Robin Williams Such profound words from such a funny man.  Funny, but very insightful.  Think for a second about Robin Williams.  In his far too short a life, he made us laugh and cry.  He influenced us in so many ways.  His many roles as an actor and comedian touched us in so many ways.  I grew up with him saying "I am Mork from Ork. Nano Nano." I say him in theaters  screaming out "Good morning Vietnam," teaching prep school boys to love poetry, revisiting Neverland as an adult Peter Pan, saving Aladdin as the Genie and being the worlds best nanny as Mrs. Doubtfire. I know, I know you're probably thinking that Robin Williams was famous.  He was in the movies, and on television.  He may have influenced the world, but that's because everybody knows his name.  And while that is true, it is also true that we all have within us, that same ability to change the world.  It all starts with you.  Every change you make in your life impacts the people around you, enacting change in them.  That impacts the…