The Good Morning Goddess Ritual of Self-Love

The Good Morning Goddess Ritual of Self-Love Self-love, the Saint-Graal of our modern society. Everyday, we get hammered by advertising messages asking us to take care of ourselves, to follow our dreams, to take that holiday, or leave that job. They ask us to do it, but it is always through the acquisition of a thing. I say that it all starts with self-love. Loving the person we are, as we are, is the basis of a healthy and balanced life. How can you pursue your dreams, love others, build a life you absolutely love, if you don't love the person you will be doing this with: yourself? The yoga practice is a beautiful way to cultivate self-love, through small actions. It is you reminding yourself to breathe during that challenging pose. It is knowing when to stop before you hurt. It is allowing your body to feel the way it feels, every day. It is accepting that one day you are flying in Bakasana (Crow pose) and the following day, you are collapsing in that same pose. In addition to the practice on the mat, I have created a ritual to include self-love in my daily life. As for…

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Just in Case

I came across this image today, and I promptly shared it everywhere.  I think we should all read it to yourselves or say it to ourselves every morning. In case you forgot to remind yourself this morning...your butt is perfect. Your smile lights up the room. Your mind is insanely cool. You are way more than enough, and you are doing an amazing job at life. I know I've blogged about this before, but we are our own worst enemy.  Seriously!  I don't know about you, but I wouldn't talk to my worst enemy the way I talk to myself.  My internal monologues are filled with disgust about myself, my life, my eating habits, my laziness, basically, my everything.  Let's just take eating habits for a second.  Yeah, my eating habits are not the greatest, but neither are the eating habits of a lot of other people.  There will be times when we'll be pigging out on junk food and someone will comment on how bad they are eating or how much weight they need to lose.   To them I will say supportive things. "It's okay to take a break from eating healthy," or "Splurge today and get right back…

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Love Yourself – From Chris Cade

Every once in a while, the Universe does something awesome - right now, right this second was one of those awesome things.   This morning I posted a blog post about the importance of being a friend to yourself and loving yourself. Just a few minutes ago in an email, I received this from Chris Cade.  Talk about synchronicity! A couple of days ago was Valentine's Day. All across the world, people experienced a variety of emotions. Though there's three primary ones I've noticed seem to be most common: (1) A deep affection and love (usually towards others) It seems that by giving ourselves a "reason" to love, it activates that part of ourselves that finds reasons to experience, express, and share our love. This is not unlike a sentimental photo that reminds us of a past moment we cherished. "Valentine's Day" can act as a symbol to look inward and live more fully outward. (2) Indifference For me, most Valentine's Days pass with irrelevance. Every day is an opportunity to experience, express, and share love. Rather than having to "find" a reason, I focus on removing the inner blocks so I naturally experience those reasons more frequently. with each passing…

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