Taking Control of My Life

So Life has spun a little bit out of control for me lately.  I'm a single  parent of 2, count them, 2 high school seniors.  Between all their activities, academics, and the all encompassing college application process, as well as all the things I have on my own plate, it's safe to say that my life has spun completely and totally out of control.  I'm overwhelmed and I don't know how to fix it.  Last night was particularly bad for a variety of reasons, and I started out my Monday wondering if I was even going to survive this year, and if I did, would it be worth it. Well this morning, I had an a blog post to read in my google reader - actually, we won't even begin to discuss the amount of blog posts because I didn't check them at all over the weekend.  However, one post from Marc and Angel Hack Life - Practical Tips for Productive Living .  The post was called 12 Unconventional Habits of Highly Productive People.  I was going to just ignore it because I don't want to be highly productive - at this point, I'll settle for keeping my head above…

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