The Truth Walk – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade As Morpheus says in The Matrix, "There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path." This is the greatest challenge any of us have on the path of personal transformation. How do we live what we believe to be true? The first step is fundamental to my teachings: Don't take anybody's word for it. Not even mine. Find out what is true for yourself. Sure, it helps to have insights and pointers. Programs, videos, emails, audio interviews, live seminars, and so on are wonderful ways to get closer to people who have discovered the Truths that you want to embody. Still, all of those are... pointers. Only you can "walk" the path as Morpheus says. With that in mind, here's a quick exercise I call "The Truth Walk" to help you discover what is actually true for you. It's rather simple, and you can do it anytime and every time you're walking. Here's how it works. First, bring into your awareness a spiritual Truth or lesson you'd like to embody more fully. I think that Dan Millman's "Laws of Spirit" and Deepak Chopra's "7 Spiritual Laws of Success" (and "7 Spiritual Laws Of Superheros") are…

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