Turn up the Music and Dance

Turn up the music and dance – louder, come on louder, I still can’t hear it.  Ah that’s better, now let’s boogie!

This was the very first ever Daily Positive Thought I sent out.  Even now, I can’t believe it’s been 2 years since I started sending them out, and that alone makes me want to turn up the music and dance.  Think about it, music is an extremely powerful force in our lives.  When I’m in a mood (and I get in them often, believe me) I find that turning up the music and singing along helps to improve my mood, and if I start dancing – look out.  It’s hard to remain down in the dumps, or angry and cranky when you’re dancing around the house to “Walking on Sunshine,” or “I Feel Lucky,” or whatever your designated feel good song may be.  So try it.  The next time you’re in a mood, crank up the music and dance your little heart out.  And don’t worry about being good, or being seen.  I’ve been known to dance in the car at stop lights, lol.