It’s an Awesome Circle

Every morning, on my way to work, I list out all the things that I’m grateful for as well as my daily affirmations.  It’s a part of my daily ritual, and it’s a great way to start my day.  One day, I was thinking about the things I wanted to attract into my life and said, “I’m a magnet for luck, a magnet for love and a magnet for money, and I attract these things into my life.  The more I attract, the more I have.  The more I have, the happier I am.  The happier I am, the more I attract.  The more I attract the more I have, the more I have the happier I am.  It’s an AWESOME CIRCLE – it’s a CIRCLE OF AWESOMENESS!

This has become the favorite part of my daily affirmations….thinking about the circle of awesomeness that is my life.   I hear other people talk about how their trapped in a vicious circle, but not me…I live in an AWESOME CIRCLE!